Automated Adverse Drug Interaction Alerts - E-Prescribing Software

E-Prescribing Software has the potential to minimize the risk of adverse drug interaction only when the record is available clearly to start the immediate procedures to save a patient. Documenting the prescription in a timely manner in the respective patient profile gives accurate detail exactly what treatment they were into at that time and identifying the adverse drug substance becomes possible.

Drug Interaction Alerts

  • E-Prescribing Software supports pharmacists and doctors with drug interaction alerts as it shows how far medication is effective and does the patient takes medications for only diagnosed issues or has chronic disease sums up the profile.
  • When complete patient medical history is available with the latest information such as dosing details, duplicate therapy, and contraindications alerts. An adverse drug event causes serious side effect leads to hospitalization, permanent molecular change, death. Clinical research is conducted with these samples to generate an overall report.

Pharmacovigilance Check

  • The pharmacovigilance tool helps medical experts to conduct health analyses of how the drug is curing a patient illness. Is the risk associated is worth enough to cure a patient. The best example to state is chemotherapy – It holds serious side effects while curing a cancer patient; it is an acceptable effect. But headache medicine creates side effects means then it’s a serious issue in drug proposition and efficacy.
  • Tertiary hospitals handle the complicated needs of patients and link directly to hospital pharmacies to dispense medicines with utmost care and safety.  Prescriptions are directly sent to patient Electronic Health Record and updates from the doctor's desk.

Digital Benefits

Documentation benefits a lot, one to highlight is data analytic and report submission to Health Administration Board. Since E-prescribing software is web-based, data are stored securely and required information is collected and analyses are reported to route the adverse effects to manufactures.  

E-prescribing Software archives the International Statistical Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) codes to make doctors easily suggest medications. Potential drug interaction effects are notified while the time of prescribing and advocates the new recommendation, and this greatly follows current standard practice. When adverse drug effects are detected early in the process with greater precision in the regulation, the entire patient community are benefited from zero medicine harms.


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